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Figure 1: Hysteresis loop (a) and MOIF images of domain structure (b-h) taken during magnetization reversal of a single-crystal NiO/NiFe bilayer along the [110] unidirectional axis (b-e) and in the opposite direction (f-h). Figs. b to h correspond to conditions indicated by the circles labeled by the same letters on the hysteresis loop in Fig. 1a. Arrows indicate magnetization directions in domains.

Figure 2: (a, b) MOIF images of domain structure in a deformed unbiased epitaxial NiFe(001) film created during remagnetization along the [110] easy axis. H (applied field) = -2 Oe and +2 Oe in (a) and (b) respectively. Arrows indicate the magnetization directions in domains parallel and antiparallel to the applied field. (c, d) Domain structure in the deformed part of the epitaxial NiO/NiFe(001) bilayer during the [110] unidirectional-axis remagnetization (corresponds to the right-hand branch of the hysteresis loop in Fig. 1a). The arrow indicates the direction of the unidirectional axis and of the applied field. H = +24 Oe (c) and +28 Oe (d). (e) Surface steps associated with screw dislocation slip planes revealed in a reflected light at the NiFe surface in the NiO/NiFe bilayer. (f) Microstress fields caused by the slip planes of the edge dislocations revealed by the photoelasticity method.

Figure 3: Hysteresis loop (a) and domain structure (b-d) of the NiO/NiFe bilayer when it is remagnetized perpendicular to the [110] unidirectional axis. The applied field direction is indicated by the arrow.

Figure 4: Domain structure in a polycrystalline NiO/NiFe bilayer (a) and in a NiFe film (b) grown on Si. The magnetic field is applied along the unidirectional and easy axes, respectively, that are parallel to the vertical frame of the MOIF pattern.

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Sat Feb 7 12:29:50 PST 1998